Advancing Multiple PATHWAYS to Authorized Ministry
PATHWAYS staff members work with representatives from Conferences and Associations to support the educational needs of UCC Members in Discernment (MID) pursuing an alternative pathway to ministry.
We also work with other denominations or faith communities. For all people called to ministry who need a progressive theological education, our online courses provide an affordable, flexible and excellent path.
As part of the UCC’s vision for multiple pathways to authorization, the entire PATHWAYS program of thirty plus courses can be used as an alternative route to fulfill the academic requirements for becoming an authorized minister. Or, following consultation with a local Committee on Ministry (COM), an MID may use specific courses to meet educational requirements. It is vital that MIDs work with there local COM to assure that PATHWAYS courses will meet requirements. PATHWAYS staff are available to support COM’s in making decisions about coursework.
PATHWAYS curriculum is competency-based and the courses are each aligned with The UCC Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers.
The recommended course of study is to take the courses in levels 1, 2, 3. For course dates see the calendar page.
Foundational Courses (Level 1)
- Making Sense of Theology
- Understanding the Bible as a Progressive Christian
- The Variety of Beliefs within Christianity Today
- The Stories of Christian Saints and Sinners
- Spiritual Care of Self & Others
- The Art of Worship
- Faith Formation and Spiritual Practices for Children, Youth and Adults
- Pluralism & Religion in North America
- Ethics & a Life of Meaning
- Living the Heart of Progressive Christian Theology (Level 1 Capstone)
Applied Courses (Level 2)
- Intro to Spiritual Health (Pastoral Care)
- Old Testament Hermeneutics
- New Testament Hermeneutics
- Small Church Administration
- The Art of Preaching
- UCC History & Polity
- Preaching for Special Occasions
- Supervised Ministry I: Entering a New Place of Ministry
- Supervised Ministry II: Leadership in the Midst of Change
- Supervised Ministry III: The Practice of Worship Leadership
Synthesizing Courses (Level 3)
- Contemporary Homiletics
- Practicing Our Faith in the Public Square
- Ecological Theology
- Professional Boundaries and Ministerial Self-Care
- Contextual Theology
- Theology of Gender and Sexuality
- Supervised Ministry IV: Faith Formation in the parish
- Supervised Ministry V: The Transformative Context of Pastoral Care
- Supervised Ministry VI: Leaving a Place of Ministry
- Congregational Ministry & the Future Church (Level 3 Capstone)